Authentic Relating
July 26-28, 2024

with Dayna Seraye, Jordan Siegel + a forested mountain in bloom

The Wild Speaks

Many of us seek Authentic Relating as an antidote to isolation and separateness. However, relational wellbeing is not just about human to human connection.

It’s not only about distinguishing “my world” and “your world,” but about finding our resonance here in THIS world, the world we share with many non-human relatives in the great web of interbeing. The belonging we discover in this wider, wilder web of nature is intrinsic to our very humanness.

  • Open to Instinct

    We will spend three days and two nights camping together in the Indian Peaks Wilderness, sleeping beneath the stars and waking with the sun, accompanied by conifers, wild currants in berry, bobbing stalks of yarrow, and hopefully some cooling, healing rain.

    Together, we will expand on and experiment with the foundational practices of Authentic Relating, awakening the instinctual wisdom of our bodies and the larger ecological body of which we are members.

    This is an experimental aperture, an opening of possibility from the hungry, loving hearts of a couple of priestesses in love with real intimacy, true wildness, and the untameable holiness that speaks through anything we can learn to listen to. Everything in creation tells its story. May we listen.

  • Attune + Connect

    In this immersion, we will practice listening with our whole bodies, and with the larger multi-sensorial bodies of the awareness-field we form together. The stories of this planet, before and after all, are not just human stories.

    Built like our ancestors, we are made to sense, track, follow, obscure, and reveal — to participate in ecologies of shared presence.

    Remembering this and practicing it heightens our awareness, deepens our connections in all directions, and teaches us to move like we belong to the living web around us that so mercifully includes us.

  • Dance with the Mystery

    This is an experiment in how Authenticity relates when we shift our attention from individual subjective worlds to the natural ecology of the more-than-human world.

    We will look to the visitations of animals, insects, and winds, the presences and movements of plants and trees. We will attend to our dreams, our ancestors, and our intuitions. We will root into the steady depth of the dark earth, cast merciful shadows like cloudforms, and sing the songs of that place into the glittering eye of the sun.

    No shared presence is complete without gifts of gratitude and praise to that which moves through and with all things, so expect that we will make an offering to feed the spirits with the simple beauty of our being humans listening to the land together again, nourishing life with our loving it.

With your friends and guides:

Dayna Seraye

Dayna Seraye is the Director of Facilitation and Curriculum Development / Lead Facilitator at Authentic Relating Training (ART) International. Her devotion to earth-based wisdom and the embodied, healing arts inspires her to weave play, practice and prayer for our collective liberation. 

Jordan Siegel

Jordan Siegel is a fermented revolutionary, mystery worker, and devotee of the wild holy earth. Her joy is to band together with other forgetful humans to love that which nourishes us and to become good food for life.

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